
Upcoming Events in 2024:

Numerology Workshop
Saturday, August 10th
1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Cost:  $130 (payment in advance)
Class Size Limited
Science has proven that numbers hold a sacred code and that there's a code for the Universe and all life forms.  As humans, we each hold our own sacred code that's hidden deep inside our DNA.   These hidden numbers hold an energetic frequency, each unique to their own vibration and balancing properties.  There are certain numbers that facilitate change, healing, love, evolution, challenges, karmic lessons, etc., and each number serves its own practical function and purpose.

As part of this workshop, we will learn the properties of each Basic Number and learn how to apply that knowledge to Complex Numbers in our Personal Profile (Life Path, Heart's Desire, Soul Urge and Personality Traits).  Certain combinations of numbers can show us the roles we came here to play, our karmic lessons, and the different challenges we have encountered in our past as well as what's coming up in our future.  During the workshop, we will create our own unique Life Map Graph that spans up to 100 years.  This graph shows the past, present and future possibilities over our lifetime.  Of course, free-will always plays an important role in our life choices but understanding the "reasons" for certain life events from our pastcan be very beneficial in assisting us with the guidance and wisdom we need when making future decisions. 

Numerology can absolutely help us shift, heal and course-correct the future should we choose to use its wisdom.  

If you want to understand yourself better along with all the What, Where and Why's... this is a great tool for doing just that!  

Registration:  Call or Text (970) 223-3457

Reiki Master (Level III)
Saturday, TBD
Cost:  $350
10:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Prereq:  Level II Certification

In this Master Class, we will learn two new symbols.  We will learn how to work with crystals individually for healing and how to set up and use a Crystal Grid to do distance healing.  We will also learn Psychic Surgery and other techniques to round-out this level of Reiki Master training.  

Registration:  Call or Text:  (970) 223-3457


Upcoming Workshops:  Drum Healing, Tarot, etc.

If there is a class you want to take and it is full, please call to get on the waitlist. 


Call or Text: (970) 223-3457

Class Cancellations:  No refunds.  However, all prepaid fees may be used in future sessions or events upon request.  

Celestial Events 2024

Mercury Retrograde Dates:
April 1 - April 25th
August 5 - August 28th
November 25 - December 15th

Lunar and Solar Eclipses:
Lunar March 24-25 in Libra 
Solar (Total) April 8th in Aries
Lunar Sept 17-18 in Pisces
Solar Oct 2 in Libra

On The Radio

Marla was on 107.9 "The Bear" for 3 1/2 years
and 94.3 "The X" for 2 years co-hosting and
doing live readings every week.

Click the Radio Button below for more info.

“We must be the change we wish to see.” - Gandhi